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Dr. Merveilles Mouloungi #
Merveilles is the postdoctoral researcher of the ERC Starting Grant project AFROEUROPECYBERSPACE at U Bremen.
Within the ERC project she retraces transnational diasporic networks and explore the circulation of knowledges between Francophone Europe and the Caribbean. Given that Afrodiasporic communities in Europe are situated in globalized/relocalized/glocalized networks, Merveilles investigates the knowledge systems, discourses and imaginaries circulating within these networks.
Combining comparative literature approaches, cultural studies’ methods and postcolonial thinking, her past research she investigated how children’s and young adult literature written by ‘postcolonial’ authors constitute an autonomous space for questioning identity constructions and self-positionings in the context of a global society Furthermore, she is a member of “RULIGAB: La recherche universitaire autour de la littérature gabonaise[^11]” (2017-2025), a research project based at U de Lorraine that aims at retracing the reception history of Gabonese literature. Merveilles has also collaborated with the journal Takam Tikou1 (BNF).
In 2022, Merveilles received a PhD in Littérature générale et comparée from Université de Lorraine, Metz. She holds a Master’s Degree in Lettres modernes (parcours “Littérature générale et comparée”, option “Mémoire, Interculturalité, Intermédialité”) from U Omar Bongo, Libreville. From 2020 to 2023, Merveilles has worked as attachée temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER) and enseignante contractuelle at U de Lorraine, Nancy. In 2022, she received the qualification as Maîtresse de Conférences (CNU 09 & 10).
For her doctoral thesis entitled Société-monde et production identitaire en contexte post-colonial: à propos de l’implication en littérature pour la jeunesse de Maryse Condé, Louise Erdrich et Véronique Tadjo, she has been awarded the Prix scientifique L’Harmattan2 2024.
Her doctoral thesis will be published by Classiques Garnier, Coll. Perspectives comparatistes, série “Littératures de jeunesse”.She has also published various articles on questions of identity, the writing of history (slavery, colonization), migration and authors' postures.
Her research interests include Afroeuropean studies, postcolonial and decolonial theory, identity constructions, migration and diaspora studies, digital media studies, literary historiography and sociology as well as children’s and young adult literature.
Contact Info
University of Bremen
Faculty 10 – Linguistics and Literary Studies
Bibliotheksstr. 1
28359 Bremen
Tel: +49 (0)421 218 – 68426
Mail: mouloung@uni-bremen.de